Wood Exports Rise 25% in November

Blog WoodFlow Wood Exports Rise 25% in November

11 de março de 2024

Wood Exports Rise 25% in November

Overcoming the export challenges experienced in October, the volume of wood exported in November increased by 25% compared to the previous month. Among the products analyzed by WoodFlow, using data from the Comex Stat portal, there is a rebound after a significant decline in October. However, when comparing the exported volume to the previous year, it is still lower (-9%).

According to Gustavo Milazzo, CEO of WoodFlow, the regularization of shipments, following the closure of one of the country’s main wood-exporting ports for 21 days in October, is the main factor behind this recovery. “We had a significant reduction in exports last month, mainly due to the rains that closed the channel of the port of Navegantes (SC), one of Brazil’s main wood exporters,” he said.

Similar to the volume, the remuneration for Brazilian manufacturers in November was also higher. When compared to the previous month, Brazilian producers had a 20% higher remuneration in November. However, compared to prices in the same period of the previous year, there is an 11% decrease.

Segment Analysis In the month of October, the distribution of exported volumes, in percentage terms, remained very similar to the previous months. The primary exported product was Sawn Softwood, accounting for 45%, followed by Softwood Plywood, with 34%.

In terms of the distribution by the amount paid, the highest sum is for Sawn Softwood (US$ 83.1 million), followed by Softwood Plywood (US$ 50.9 million).


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